JAMB CAPS 2017/2018: Official Presentation Transcript

This is a post about JAMB Central Admissions Processing System (CAPS). This post will answer all the questions you  have about JAMB CAPS. There is a brand 14  admission steps using CAPS and it’s all stated below. Read the stuff slowly, cuz your understanding of it might help you gain admission this year. It’s true. Oya Let us begin?

First of all:

This is a actually a transcript of the official presentation by JAMB CAPS team on the 20th of August. I’m just publishing it here so you know what’s up too (Cuz this CAPS thing has come to stay). The new 14 step admission process is real. You will see it as you read on.

Okay, lets go now?


  • Addresses Current Challenges
  • Delivers Benefits of Automation
  • Offers Significant Innovations

Current Challenges of CAPS

  • Undermines Autonomy of Institutions
  • Manual Process Prone to Errors
  • Laborious and Inefficient
  • Multiple Admissions for Candidates
  • Constrains Admissions Opportunities
  • Lack of Timely Information for Decision Making
  • Insufficiency of Easily Retrievable Data for Research & Planning

The CAPS Advantage

  • Restores Autonomy of Institutions
  • Protects Academic Calendar
  • Refocuses JAMB’s founding Ideals as Clearing House
  • Expands Admission Opportunities for Candidates
  • Provides Credible and Easily Retrievable Data for Researching & Planning on Education Sector
  • Access to Data for Research Purposes
  • Enhances Inclusiveness, Equity, Transparency & Accountability in the Admission Process

More Benefits

  • Efficient Use of Time and Resources
  • Automation Minimises Human Errors
  • Eliminates Multiple Admissions
  • Significantly reduces Attrition Rate
  • Enforces Respect for Internal Rules & Discourages Arbitrariness
  • Provides for Instant Admission
  • Makes Candidates the Central Focus

Some Innovations to the Bargain

O/L Results Upload, Requirement for Admission Consideration
Interface with NECO & WAEC for automated Results Verification
Candidates’ Confirmation of Admission Offer
“Market Place” to Source Candidates
Automatic Enforcement of Admission Timelines

Policy Meeting

  • User Profiles Creation on the System
  • Admission Parameters Setting on the System
  • Candidates Download by Institutions
  • Internal Processing by Institutions / Including Post UTME Screening
  • Upload of Post UTME Screening Results
  • Further Processing by Institutions
  • Systems Creating Suggested Admission List Based on the Institution’s Admission Criteria
  • Admission Officer Preparing Proposed List for Head of Institution’s Review and Approval
  • Institution Forwards Recommended List to JAMB Desk Officer
  • Desk Officer Processes Recommended List and Generates List of Provisional Admissions
  • JAMB Contacts Candidates to Accept or Decline Admission
  • If Candidate Accepts, Admission is concluded for Candidate
  • If Candidate Declines, s(he) is returned to Market Place for Possible Consideration by Other Institutions.

Actors, roles &  responsibilities

  • JAMB Conducts UTME and Makes Results Available to Institutions
  • Institutions Set Admission Criteria on the System
  • Admission Officer Downloads Candidates, Coordinates Internal Admission Process and Uploads Aggregate Results
  • Head of Institution Approves and Forwards Recommended List to JAMB
  • JAMB Approves List of Provisional Admissions and Contacts Candidates
  • Candidate Accepts or Declines Admission

Challenges, Risks And Mitigants

1. Security
  • Secure Technology
  • Strong User Authentication
  • Confidential & Individual Log-in Profile
  • Comprehensive Audit Trail of ALL activities

2. Fit-for-Purpose
  • Inputs from & Collaboration with Stakeholders (Admission Officers, Desk Officers & IT CAPS Team)
  • Agile Development Approach
  • Dual Mode (2017 / 2018) Session

3. Knowledge / Capacity Gaps
  • Capacity Building
  • Comprehensive User Guide (Printed and Online)
  • Intuitive User Interface / Ease of Use
  • Parameters Setting to guide operations
  • Help Desk / Ticketing System for Support
  • Information & Awareness for ALL Stakeholders

4. Technology Challenge
  • Simple but yet Cost Effective & Secure Technology
  • Offline Processing Capability by Institutions
  • Ease of Installing Updates & Upgrades

Critical Success Factors

  • Ownership of The System by Stakeholders
  • Capacity Building in Institutions
  • Adherence to Admission Workflow Timelines
  • Sustainability (JAMB’s own Product)
  • Feedbacks and Continuous Improvement

Next Steps

  • Practical Training
  • System Settings: Carrying Capacity, Cut‐Off Marks, etc
  • Download of Candidates
  • Capacity Building in Institutions
  • Dual Processing
  • Feedbacks & Suggestions
  • Continuous Improvement

Before you go ehn:

Just use the button below to share this thing on Facebook or Twitter. Somebody on your timeline will definitely find it useful. And when they successfully get admitted this year, they will love and remember you. Again, this is the truth. Use the button below and share.

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